

When you arrive at Islander on the Beach, park in the Islander on the Beach’s parking lot.

Obtain your parking pass from the front desk. The front desk is open from 7am-11pm. If you arrive when the front desk is closed, you will call on-site security to request a parking pass. There is a self-serve phone in the lobby which is a direct line to the security guard on duty. Or you may call security directly at 808-652-4537 (24hr dispatch) or 808-378-6265 (3pm-7am). To obtain your parking pass, you will need the car license plate number (usually written on the key ring for rental cars). The Islander staff will register your car and give you a parking pass which you will hang from the rearview mirror while parked at the Islander. Register your car as soon as you can to prevent being towed.

In the event the Islander’s parking lot is full, you may park in the overflow lot at the Coconut Marketplace which is directly behind the Islander’s parking lot. You can also park anywhere in the Coconut Marketplace lot. Display your parking pass visibly on the rear view mirror of your car when you park in the Coconut Marketplace. Do not park at Kauai Coast Resort or you may be towed.

Click the following link for our video demonstration of the overflow lot location.